
Гэрлэлтээс Та юу хожих вэ? (гэрлэдэггүй юмаа гэхэд хосоороо амьдрахад)
Нөхөрт гарах, эхнэр авахаас "зугтаасан", "халгасан" олон найз нөхөдтэй байлаа. Одоо ч зарим нь хэвээрээ л манаргасаар л яваа. Яагаад гэхээр эрх чөлөөгүй болно, бөөн ядаргаа, яршиг, мөнгөтэй нэг нь болохоор мөнгөний дайсан гээд, мөнгөгүй нь ч яахав ядуу юм чинь хэн тоохын гээд, түвэгтэй, бололцоогүй, дураараа нэг нь хараанд орчихно гээд, бөөн хариуцлага, завгүй нэг нь амжихгүй байна, бэлэн биш, царай муутай нэг нь таарахгүй л байна гээд л зөндөө хариултууд өгдөг байв. :)
Гоонь эр эсвэл ганц бие хүүхэн Та хосоороо амьдрахын "ач холбогдлын" талаар дараах мэдээллийг уншаарай. Ямар ч байсан санхүүгийн хувьд гайгүй байх нь, урт наслах нь, оюун ухаан нь цэлмэг, сэтгэлзүйн хувьд "эрүүл", мөн нөгөө ажлыг илүү хийх нь байна...

What is so great about being married?
Better Financial Picture
The old saying "Two can live as cheaply as one" isn't exactly true. Two do appear to be able to live as cheaply as one and a half persons, though. That means sharing furniture, food, insurance benefits, a car, etc.... And, when one person becomes ill, loses his or her job, or needs emotional support due to stressors, the spouse is there to help. This is cheaper too, as in home nurses, credit card debt, and therapists cost more.

Married men are more successful in work as well, getting promoted more often and receiving higher performance appraisals. They also miss work or arrive late less often (Kostiuk and Follman, 1989, and Shaw, 1987). As for women, white married women (without children) earn 4% more and black married women earn 10% more than their single peers (Waite, 1995). While some point out that house work for married women (37 hours per week) is greater than that of single women (25 hours), half of that is due to having children (South and Spitze, 1994).

Longer Life
Married people live longer as well. Single men have mortality rates that are 250% higher than married men. Single women have mortality rates that are 50% higher than married women (Ross et all, 1990). Having a spouse can decrease your risk for dying from cancer as much as knocking ten years off your life. Single people spend longer in the hospital, and have a greater risk of dying after surgery (Goodwin et al, 1987).

Married women are 30% more likely to rate their health as excellent or very good compared to single women, and 40% less likely to rate their health as only fair or poor compared to single women. Based on life expectancies, nine of ten married men and women alive at age 48 are alive at 65, while only six of ten single men and eight of ten single women make it to 65. Married men may have better immune systems as well, either from support or from nagging to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, etc... and may be at less risk to catch colds (Cohen et al, 1997)

Better Mental Health
Married men are half as likely to commit suicide as single men, and one third as likely as divorced men. Widowed men under 45 are nine times more likely to commit suicide as married men (Smith, Mercy, and Conn, 1988). Married people report lower levels of depression and distress, and 40% say they are very happy with their lives, compared to about 25% in single people. Married people were half as likely to say they were unhappy with their lives.

Single men drink twice as much as married men, and one out of four says his drinking causes problems for him. Only one of seven married men says the same. One out of six single men abstains from alcohol, but one in four married men do (Miller-Tutzauer et al, 1991).

Better Sex
About 40% of married people have sex twice a week, compared to 20-25% of single and cohabitating men and women. Over 40% of married women said their sex life was emotionally and physically satisfying, compared to about 30% of single women. For men, it's 50% of married men are physically and emotionally contents versus 38% of cohabitating men.

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source http://www.psychpage.com


byambaa said...

angli hel medehgui ch mgloor bichseniig ni unshaad bichij bna.

gantsaaraa bhiig husegchid bugd hariuytslagaas zugtsan humuus bdg.
ger bul zohioh ni hun bolj torsnii negen az jargak shuu dee. tedniihee toloo sanaa tavina, hamtdaa bayarlana, zovno geed l...
amidral utga uchirtai bolno.
tegtel gants biye ulsuud zovhon ooriinhoo toloo sanaa zovno, busad ni hamaagui... ter chineegeeree ted setgel sanaanii huvid yaduu bna gesen ug.

ta harj l bgaarai. gantsaaraa bsan ulsuud nas ahiad ereheeree ooriin erhgui hen negniig uguildeg bolno.

odoo buh yumiig mongoor hardag bolchihson ni suirel bolj bgaa yum.
erchuud ni huuhnuudiig mongonii daisan geed l.huuhnuud ni erchuudiig mongo uildverlegch bolgood l...

tegeed ch aldar tsuutai, orgild hursen humuusiin ar tald bat naidvartai ar ger bdg gesen ug bdg sh dee. ger bul togtvorgui humuus amjiltand hureh ni hovor, hursen ch ter ni tur zuuriih bdg gej...

gehdee medeej hun bolgonii oilgolt, sanaa bodol oor oor.

ene udaad ingeed zogsoy.

Chandmani said...

Chinii bodoltoi sanal niilj bnaa. Gantsaaraa bh ni "jargaltai, cho'lootei" met bolovch u'nen chanartaa "uitgartai" bdg...