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Trapped in the Closet
"Trapped in the Closet" is a hip-hop opera released by R&B singer R. Kelly in the late summer and fall of 2005. The songs relate an ongoing narrative, which Kelly exploited by sending chapters to radio stations one at a time to generate interest. It has no chorus and is told in a conversational manner, using dramatics and cliffhangers between the episodes.
Originally Kelly only planned to release six chapters.[citation needed] In November 2005, six more chapters were released, for a total of twelve. The story is about a man named Sylvester, portrayed by Kelly (Sylvester is R. Kelly's middle name) who is caught up in a series of intertwining dramas with numerous plot twists.
Kelly maintains that he has pioneered a new genre that he calls "hip-hopera."[citation needed] It is believed he developed the technique around the 2001 release for the Kelly-produced Contagious of the Isley Brothers, where Ron Isley exhibits the perfection of the "hip-hopera" style, with lyrics provided by Kelly. Critics of the songs argue that Kelly tells the story with a choppy tone and uses repetitive vocalization throughout the songs. The tracks have also reached a minor cult status - some of R.Kelly's fans refer to it as the "Plan 9 of music videos."[citation needed]
'"Trapped in the Closet"' is often called a rap opera despite the fact that it doesn't contain any rapping. (more)
Originally Kelly only planned to release six chapters.[citation needed] In November 2005, six more chapters were released, for a total of twelve. The story is about a man named Sylvester, portrayed by Kelly (Sylvester is R. Kelly's middle name) who is caught up in a series of intertwining dramas with numerous plot twists.
Kelly maintains that he has pioneered a new genre that he calls "hip-hopera."[citation needed] It is believed he developed the technique around the 2001 release for the Kelly-produced Contagious of the Isley Brothers, where Ron Isley exhibits the perfection of the "hip-hopera" style, with lyrics provided by Kelly. Critics of the songs argue that Kelly tells the story with a choppy tone and uses repetitive vocalization throughout the songs. The tracks have also reached a minor cult status - some of R.Kelly's fans refer to it as the "Plan 9 of music videos."[citation needed]
'"Trapped in the Closet"' is often called a rap opera despite the fact that it doesn't contain any rapping. (more)
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