Оросын баячуудын тухай
1990-ээд оны эхээр Орос оронд байсны хувьд зарим шинэчлэлт, өөрчлөлт болсон явдлуудыг санаж байна.
Монголын хувьчлал ч бас нэг тиймэрхүү болсон доо. Соц үед ард түмний өмч гээд нэрлээд байсан эх орны баялаг ерөнхийдөө сэхээтэй гэхэд ч хаашаа юм хүмүүсийн гарт орсон гэж би боддог. Зарим нэг нь гайгүй үргэлжлүүлээд явсан, ихэнх нь хувьдаа ашиглаад, зарах нь зараад, нураах нь нураагаад, тараагаад дууссан даа...
How To Make A Billion Dollars
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 after decades of communist rule, it was a monumental
event full of hope and new possibilities. The Cold War ended, and political, economic and military alliances that had shaped the world for nearly a half-century were reformulated practically overnight. The Soviet Union's fiercest enemy, the United States, hailed the fall as a victory for democracy and evidence of capitalism's superiority over socialism. For the majority of Russians, the transition to a market system was painful, chaotic and anything but democratic. Amidst the confusion of the country's reorganization, however, a few shrewd businessmen rose to the top. In just a few short years, Russia's crown jewels became the private possessions of a small group of men who have come to be known as the Russian oligarchs... (more)
source http://www.pbs.org
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