
Хүнийг гадна талаас нь хараад дүгнэж болдоггүйн нэгэн тод жишээ: Авъяасаа гэж...

See how gobsmacked Simon Cowell and the other judges are when this guy starts to sing. Amazing.

Conny, 6 year old girl sings, 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' and amazes the judges! :)


Anonymous said...

Yes, it was amazing. It was so clear and well done that it almost appeared like if music and voice were recorded. He has a beautiful voice - it was not just the performance.


byambaa said...

eruug buu bas gedeg chin l huniig gadnaas ni haraar tanihiin argaguig heleed bgaa yum daa.

Chandmani said...

Hi guys,
"Britain's Got Talent" is better than "America's got talent"...