
Санаандгүй байж байгаад хөх толботой төрсөн гэдгийг минь сануулсан нэгэн сайтад зочилсон юм. Монголчууд бид хөх толботой төрдөг нь бас л сонин шүү. Дэлхий дээр биднээс гадна бас бус улсууд хөх толботой төрдөг байна.
"Монголын хөх толбо" гэж анагаахийн ухаанд нэрлэгдсэн тэрхүү арьсны шинжийн талаарх дараах мэдээллийг та бүхэнтэйгээ хуваалцахаар шийдэвээ.

Mongolian spot (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Mongolian blue spots
Mongolian spots are flat bluish to bluish gray skin markings that commonly appear at birth (or shortly thereafter). They appear commonly at the base of the spine, on the buttocks and back and also can appear on the shoulders. Mongolian spots are benign and are not associated with any conditions or illnesses.
Mongolian blue spots are common among darker skinned races, such as Asian, East Indian, and African. They are flat, pigmented lesions with nebulous borders and irregular shape. They appear commonly at the base of the spine, on the buttocks and back, and also can appear as high as the shoulders and elsewhere. Mongolian spots are benign skin markings and are not associated with any conditions or illnesses. (

source http://skin-care.health-cares.net
In the US: More than 90% of Native Americans, 80% of Asians, and 70% of Hispanics have Mongolian spots; less than 10% of whites have Mongolian spots.
Internationally: The prevalence of Mongolian spots varies among different ethnic groups. This condition is most common among Asians. It also has been reported in 80% of East African children, in 46% of Hispanic children, and in 1-9% of white children... (site)

source http://www.emedicine.com
Зургийг Medical Encyclopedia-аас авч тавилаа. Хэрвээ анагаах ухаан сонирхдог судалдаг бол гялс шагайгаад гараарай.

photo from http://medlineplus.gov/

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