Энэ жилийн сонгууль болон Ноднин жилийн 7-р сарын 1-ны асуудлыг дэлхий нийтэд:
Mongolian opposition candidate claims presidency
...The election result was a cordial end to a tight race that some had feared would turn violent if it was too close to call. When Democrats lost in parliamentary elections last year, Elbegdorj's allegations of voting fraud triggered fighting that left five dead and 300 injured...
source: AP - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090525/ap_on_re_as/as_mongolia_election
oo tegj l bg. nergui setgegdeld neeh reaction uzuuleh hereggui ee. iim yum bichih l gej anynom orj irj bgaam chini
hehe, minii comment toorchihoj. uul ni deerh bichleg deer oruulah gesiin
hehe comment lost... reaction o'good bgaa zuil bhgui ee. Тиймдээ ч устгаагүй. Харин хуваалцаад хen negnyg zasax, bolj o'gvol uxaaruulah gej oroldoj bgaa uxaan mini ter l dee.
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