
Jon Bon Jovi
Анх Бон Жовигийн дууг сургуульд байхдаа сонсож байсан. Хүргэн ах оросоос баахан пянз авчихсаны дотор энэхүү хамтлагийн пянз байсан юм. Пянз гэснээс манай гэрт дээр үеийн Норовбанзад, Түмэндэмбэрэлийн болон ардын дуунуудтай пянзнууд байсан. Зарим нь зурагдчихсан ч тоглуулагчдаа (дээр үеийн оросын шар радио) тоглуулаад суудаг байжээ.

Bon Jovi official site Bon Jovi - official website - www.bonjovi.com
Official site. Biography, discography, photos, MP3s, videos, articles, interviews, chat, postcards, message board and links.

Jon Bon Jovi (born John Francis Bongiovi on March 2, 1962) is an American musician and actor who is the lead singer of the band Bon Jovi. (site)

Bon Jovi is a Hard rock band originating from New Jersey. Fronted by lead singer and namesake Jon Bon Jovi, the group originally achieved large-scale success in the 1980s as a hair band. The band has continued their success as one of the world's biggest rock bands throughout the 90s and 2000s.
Bon Jovi has sold more than 35 million albums in the United States, and over 120 million albums worldwide, and has played live concerts in major cities in Asia, Europe, Australia, Canada, South Africa, and South America, in addition to a large number of cities in the U.S.
Bon Jovi have released nine studio albums, 2 best of albums and a live album. (site)

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