
Гэрлэх саналууд
Та найз бүсгүйдээ гэрлэх саналаа хэрхэн тавих вэ? Гэрлэсэн бол эхнэртээ гэрлэх саналаа хэрхэн тавьсан бэ?
Эрчүүд хайртай бүсгүйдээ гэрлэх саналаа төрөл бүрийн л хэлбэрээр тавьдаг бололтой. Энд хэдэн жишээг тавилаа. Хэрвээ та гэрлэх тухай бодож байгаа бол бас шинэ арга санаачлах ч юм билүү...Бас нэгэн зүйл: зарим сайтууд гэрлэх санал хэрхэн тавих талаар зөвлөлгөө өгч money-ч хийж байх юм.

1. Love Letters - An Animated Proposal - v2.0

2. 'Superman' proposes to girlfriend at Sears Tower
May 19, 2006 - A Chicago tourist chose the city's tallest landmark for the perfect proposal.
Jeremy Willia's girlfriend calls him "her Superman," so he went to the Sears Tower to leap a tall building in a single bound. Willia surprised Kim Betts when he emerged in a Superman custom and asked her to marry him.
Willia and Kim are students at Golden State Baptist College in California.

3. Soy Field Marriage Proposal Mistake
October 14, 2005
A pilot in North Dakota had a grand idea for a marriage proposal but came up just a bit short.
He had the words, 'Katie, Will You Mary Me' spelled out in a soy field, but only had room for one "r". But it is the thought that counts. His girlfriend was moved by the romantic gesture and happily accepted.

4. Luxemburg Man Makes Corny Marriage Proposal
(AP) LUXEMBURG, Wis. Stacy Martin needed a bird's eye view to see her boyfriend's marriage proposal.Brian Rueckl's proposal came as a 40,000-square-foot message, "Stacy will you marry me," tilled in a cornfield near the Manitowoc and Kewaunee county line. ( more )
*video-г сайтнаас үзээрэй


Anonymous said...

chi harin yaj tavidag ve? ooriinhoo jisheeg bichvel sonirholtoi baih baih gej bodogdoj baina.

Chandmani said...

Xadgaa bariad l... Xo'doo nutagt aav eej ni ochood guichixdag... Amar bas amgalan bsan bgaa biz...